Testing with toxΒΆ

The pypfilt testing suite uses the pytest framework, and uses the tox automation tool to run the tests under Python 3. The test cases are contained in the ./tests directory.

To run all tests using all of the Python versions defined in tox.ini, run:


The tox.ini contents are shown below, and include targets that check whether the documentation in ./doc builds correctly.

# Configuration file for tox, used to automate test activities.
# https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
# This configuration file defines the following test environments:
#   py38-test: Run the test cases in ./tests/ using Python 3.8.
#   py38-docs: Build the package documentation using Python 3.8.
# To perform each of these test activities, run:
#   tox
envlist = py38-{test,docs}

# Define common settings.
# * Cache installed wheels to accelerate environment creation.
# * Ensure tests are run against the installed package.
# * Add test-specific package dependencies.
pkg = pypfilt
wheels = {homedir}/.cache/pip/wheels
pytest = {envbindir}/py.test --cov={envsitepackagesdir}/{[base]pkg} --capture=no
test_paths = {envsitepackagesdir}/{[base]pkg} tests/ doc/
install_command=pip install -f {[base]wheels} {opts} {packages}
deps =

# Define environment-specific settings.
# * The documentation builds are performed in the ./doc directory.
# * The documentation builds depend on Sphinx and associated packages.
# * The test cases depend on the testing packages defined in [base].
# * Python 3 tests issue errors about comparing bytes and strings (-bb).
setenv =
    # Ignore ImportMismatchErrors when running doctests.
    # See https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/2042 for details.
    # Do not attempt to import sphinx_rtd_theme when searching for doctests in
    # doc/conf.py.
    test: READTHEDOCS = True
changedir =
    docs: doc
deps =
    test: {[base]deps}
    test: matplotlib>=1.5
    docs: sphinx>=1.4
    docs: sphinx-rtd-theme>=0.1.9
    docs: sphinxcontrib-inlinesyntaxhighlight>=0.2
commands =
    py38-test: {envpython} -bb {[base]pytest} {[base]test_paths}
    docs: sphinx-build -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees . {envtmpdir}/html

addopts = --doctest-modules --doctest-glob='*.rst'