2.6. Running the forecasts

With the forecast scenarios defined in the file predation.toml, generating the forecasts is as simple as defining the times at which to generate a forecast, and looping over each forecast scenario in the TOML file:

import pypfilt

config_file = 'predation.toml'
forecast_times = [1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0]
for instance in pypfilt.load_instances(config_file):
    context = instance.build_context()
    pypfilt.forecast(context, forecast_times, filename='output.hdf5')

This will save all of the summary tables for each forecast in the file 'output.hdf5'.


HDF5 is a file format that allows you to store lots of data tables and related metadata in a single file, and to load these data tables as if they were NumPy arrays. All of the summary tables recorded by pypfilt are NumPy structured arrays. You can explore HDF5 files with the h5py package, which makes it easy to load and store data tables.

We’ll now look at how to load and plot these outputs.